
DASc Demo Classes


The Institute Of Indian Astrology And Vedic Sciences offers Diploma in Astrological Sciences (DASc). This is a one year course and offered through Video Class.

Course Duration : One Year
Learning Mode : Video Classes

Curriculum or Syllabus

Paper 1 : Indian Mathematical Astrology (Paper Code AS001)
Paper 2 : Indian Predictive Astrology (Paper Code AS002)
Paper 3 : Panchanga & Muhurtashastra (Paper Code AS003)
Paper 4 : Gochar & Ashtakvarga (Paper Code AS004)


One Time Payment :
Installment Payment :
Rs.10000 (1st Installment)
Rs.6000 (2nd Installment)
Rs.4590 (3rd Installment)

Extra Charges for Printed Material : Rs. 5000/-

Examination and Certification :

The institute conducts examination of enrolled learners through correspondence in this pattern the examination paper will be sent to learners by the post and they solve the question paper at their home within prescribed time of duration which is about 20 days. The solve question paper is sent to the institute by learners. Who obtain qualifying marks, get the certificate from the institute.

Affiliation : Neither the institute nor the DASc. course is affiliated any university or U.G.C.


  • 1 Section
  • 6 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0m Duration
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DASc Demo Classes
6 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Indian Mathematical Astrology [AS001] Class-01
  2. Indian Predictive Astrology [AS002] Class-01
  3. Indian Predictive Astrology [AS002] Class-44
  4. Indian Predictive Astrology [AS002] Class-73
  5. Indian Predictive Astrology [AS002] Class-102
  6. Ashtakvarga and Godhar [AS004] Class-19
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